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Bureaux, longtime coffee industry leader, first time (self) roaster.

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→Bureaux← began life as Australia’s first shared coffee roastery helping some of Melbourne’s prominent cafes and small operators begin roasting for themselves.

Having shown the ropes to those aspiring to create their own coffee over the past four years, the natural progression to roasting under their own banner seemed only fitting. So then came coffee by Bureaux.

The Bureaux team is led by Tim Williams, who refined his craft when working for Los Angeles based Intelligentsia Coffee and both Square Mile Coffee Roasters and Workshop Coffee in London. He also happens to be one of the brains behind the World AeroPress Championship!

Their approach to sourcing coffee is one of simplicity, preferring to source un-fussy and straightforward coffees, shying away from novel, experimental, and ‘crazy’ fermentation techniques. They like to adopt the same approach to roasting and brewing too.

14 Duke Street

Abbotsford, VIC 3067